Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS




Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS – Maximum Strength and Muscle Mass

Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS is a high-quality testosterone supplement designed specifically for bodybuilders and strength athletes. With an impressive dosage of 300 mg per ampoule, it delivers maximum results for muscle building and increasing physical performance.

Pharmacological Effects

Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS contains testosterone cypionate, a long-acting form of testosterone. This hormone is essential for building muscle mass and increasing strength. It promotes protein synthesis, enhances nitrogen retention, and improves recovery after intense training. By increasing testosterone levels in the body, you can achieve your training goals faster and boost your overall performance.

Benefits for the Buyer

  • Maximum strength gains and muscle mass
  • Improved post-training recovery
  • Enhanced protein synthesis and nitrogen retention
  • Increased physical performance
  • Faster achievement of training goals

Usage and Dosage

Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS is suitable for both beginners and experienced bodybuilders. The recommended dosage is 300-600 mg per week, divided into two injections. For beginners, a lower dose of 300 mg per week is recommended to allow the body to gradually adjust to the testosterone supplement. Experienced bodybuilders can increase the dosage to 600 mg per week for maximum results.

Side Effects

As with all testosterone supplements, the use of Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS may result in side effects. Possible side effects include acne, estrogen-related side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia, increased aggression, and potential suppression of natural testosterone production. It is important to avoid exceeding the recommended dosage and consider taking supportive medications to minimize side effects.
Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS is the ideal testosterone supplement for bodybuilders and strength athletes looking to achieve maximum strength and muscle mass. With its high-dosage formula and long-lasting effects, it gives you the opportunity to reach your training goals faster and enhance your performance. Order today and experience the impressive results of Testo Cypionate 300mg CORE LABS!

Additional information

Active ingredient

Testosterone cypionate



Amount of active ingredient


Pack of packs





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